An area of 6,000m2 will be home to an LVG branch office, a new sales and service centre in the industrial estate Holz near Niederlosheim. As well as selling agricultural machinery from brands such as John Deere and Kuhn, this company also runs John Deere’s lawn and property care programme. The wide range of products on offer also includes forestry, public service and gardening equipment. Construction work began on 22nd July and the new branch is due to open in October/November 2013.
Approximately twenty new jobs will be created.
This is the result of the space marketing activities undertaken by the gwSaar Saarland Economic Promotion Corporation. The engineers of gwSaar’s sister company LEG Service had previously prepared the area, i.e. developed the land, on behalf of gwSaar. GwSaar made a significant contribution to successfully establishing this new business location. In the words of Managing Director Thomas Schuck, ‘gwSaar’s project managers have been looking after the company since the very beginning and helping them with all relocation issues. We are of course extremely happy that this dedication has met with success; our work is making an important contribution to the region’s further development’.
Positioning their sales and service centre in Saarland is a wise strategic decision by this Wittlich-based company since the industrial estate Holz has excellent transport links, situated directly on the Trier-Cologne-Koblenz transport corridor and close to Luxembourg. The John Deere factory in Zweibrücken is also well within reach. With around 1,100 employees, this is the European centre of excellence for self-propelled harvesting machinery. ‘We are abiding by the assessments of economic experts and working on the assumption that our sector will experience moderate growth in the medium term. The choice of Saarland as a location was not a difficult one, as its proximity to the borders with France and Luxembourg ensures a high degree of flexibility’, says Adolf Junker, investor and principal shareholder.
The municipality of Losheim, which has now grown to around 16,400 inhabitants, is one of the most important economic centres in the Merzig-Wadern district. The municipality’s economic structure is particularly characterised by small and medium-sized companies in the production and services sectors, as well as companies operating across Europe and worldwide.
In order for Saarland to continue attracting investors as before, meet the needs and requirements of modern industrial companies and stay an attractive business location, larger continuous areas for industry must be developed. That is what the EU-funded Industrial Areas Masterplan Saarland, approved by Saarland’s regional government in 2007, stands for. Its objective is to develop four large industrial areas totalling over 264 hectares into different prime locations in Saarland by 2020. Co-subsidiary gwSaar is in charge of implementing and marketing the project.