
May 2015

 Lisdorfer Berg is going to be green again


`Our objective is an environmentally compatible integration of the industrial buildings into nature, thus increasing the attractiveness and attraction of the location`, says Thomas Schuck, Mangaging Director of SHS. At the same time, interference with nature and landscape shall be offset. However, there is also another, much more important reason why green areas are created: They serve the protection of species and are of importance especially for the bird world.

In additon to the the green zones at the rim of the industrial area, `green corridors` will provide for additional vegetation inside. Furthermore, these corridors will prevent another dissection of the landscape and, therefore, also major impacts on local wildlife.
Moreover, a meadow landscape close to nature will be created in the south and east of the area covered by the development plan. These open meadows on which isolated fruit trees will be planted are habitats for many rare plants and animals, especially birds, reptiles and insects.

On an area of more than 6 hectars, a near-natural forest will be laid out. In some years, strollers and bikers will certainly appreciate this.

Also the following compensatory measures outside the development plan will be implemented:
Renaturation of two sections of the Mühlenbach in Saarlouis-Lisdorf
Restoration of meadows and rough grassland on the Sauberg near Felsberg
Renaturation of the Camping Site Hetschermühle near Eimersdorf (Rehlingen-Siersburg)
Renaturation of the Oligbach-headwaters northwest of Gerlfangen
Renaturation of the Camping Site Wackenmühle
Ecological buffer areas near Kerlingen
Ecological buffer areas near Bedersdorf

To round off the image, extensive meadows and pasture areas will be created. Meadows with fruit trees, bushes and juniper plantings will further enrich existing structures.